This website showcases my music compositions as well as some of my photographies and other activities I do. You can also find some interviews on this page.
Thank you for your interest in visiting my website. Here you can listen to my music and follow my future projects.
Ever since I can remember, my mind has often wandered in worlds of fantasy and adventure, exploring feelings and ideas that I channel through music and creation.
Besides music, I like video games, writing, reading, photography, science, board games, travelling and food. In the past, I have also written in media and given some lectures about topics like Japanese aesthetics and video games.
My first compositions date from the last years of the past millennium. In 2005 I co-founded the band Níobeth in my hometown, Albacete, in Spain. The band released two albums in Europe and Japan, The Shining Harmony of Universe and Silvery Moonbeams, and toured several times, including some of the biggest rock and metal festivals in Spain, like Leyendas del Rock and Viña Rock, and a tour with the Norwegian band Sirenia.
After moving to London in 2013, I had the opportunity to perform with the SOAS Minyo group of the University of London, mainly in rehearsals and workshops, but also live in the Japan Matsuri 2013 in Trafalgar Square.

In 2016 I released my first solo album, Mono no Aware, which includes compositions such as Sadako's Wings of Hope, Farewell to the Moon, Underneath the Stars and Wistful Weaver, and traditional Japanese instruments like the koto and the shamisen. In 2019, a music video of Mono no Aware, recorded in Kyoto and Albacete, was released.
Besides making music, I do photography and have work in video games as an audio producer. There is more information in the respective sections of the website if you are interested.
Below are some interviews in case you want to read on.
Interview with Albacete a Mano.
Interview with La Heavy.
Interview with La Tribuna (2017).
Interview with La Tribuna (2013).
Interviews about video games